Apps To Help Maintain A Schedule For Busy Moms

These apps can help cut down a lot of stress mothers have. Keep track of your baby’s growth, food, and more with the parenting apps! 

Motherhood is one of the most challenging journeys ever, and for women who have busy schedules, it gets even more overwhelming. Mothers often have to care for their babies while also holding on to their jobs. Keeping track of your baby’s feeding times, sleeping schedule, and all the diaper changes while also worrying about completing your work tasks seems impossible. Thanks to technological advancement, all of this can be made a little easier. Here is our list of top apps for mothers with busy schedules. 


Cozi is a family organization app with over 20 million active users. The app lets you manage a shared family calendar that anyone in the family can add to.
Cozi lets you create and track to-do lists, allowing you and your whole family to help with chores. This app lets you have all your family appointments and planned activities in one place so every family member can be prepared and ready for what’s scheduled. 
Anything parents plan for and need to track can be done on the Cozi app. Mothers can track all school events and their kid’s class schedules. Users of the app say that the shared calendar lets the children know and understand what the parents do on a daily basis, which makes them more inclined to help with chores to ease their parents’ lives. 

BabyGogo Parenting 

The BabyGogo Parenting app is the perfect platform for new mothers to keep their children healthy and happy. BabyGogo lets mothers track their child’s growth with an intuitive growth chart, and it lets you set reminders like vaccination reminders and more. Mothers can also upload their baby’s medical documents on the platform to help manage baby health. The app provides detailed information about pregnancy, healthcare, and behavior. The app also offers articles about baby healthcare, nutrition, and even potty training! The app also provides a platform where parents can ask other parents questions about anything to do with their children. Other parents can answer any worries or questions, and mothers can even consult healthcare professionals directly on the app. 

Glow Baby 

Glow Baby is the highest-rated app on our list. It captures and tracks almost everything a new and busy mother could need. From breastfeeding, baby feeding, diaper changes, nap and sleep times, baby teething log, solids tracking to everyday activities. 
Glow Baby uses all the info parents add and provides detailed summaries and growth charts to help take care of your baby. It provides you with insights by comparing your baby’s growth, feeding times, and diaper changes to typical babies of the same age. The app also lets spouses or partners add and log info too. 
Glow Baby also has a thriving parent community where you can ask questions about your child and discuss your baby’s progress. Any worries or concerns such as a rash or mark can be discussed and resolved with other parents.
The app also lets mothers log milestones in their baby’s life. Log your baby’s first tooth and your child’s first steps. Mothers can add pictures and notes with these milestones and share precious moments with the whole family!